6 Benefits of Installing a Dishwasher Water Filter

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The average lifespan of a dishwasher is 10 years – but issues with dishwashers usually begin to arise after just 5 years.

There are a few things you can do to protect your dishwasher from damage and extend its lifespan. Installing a dishwasher water filter is one option.

In this guide, we’ve shared the 6 benefits of installing a water filter upstream of your dishwasher.

📌 Key Takeaways

  • A dishwasher water filter prevents dishwashers from clogging, helps the dishwasher to produce cleaner dishes, reduces rusting of metal components, reduces scale formation, and improves the efficiency of a dishwasher.
  • There are several types of dishwasher filters, including point of use filters installed upstream of the dishwasher, which treat water before it enters the appliance.

📖 Key Benefits Of A Dishwasher Water Filter

Prevents Clogging

Installing a water filter upstream of your dishwasher will prevent sediment, metals, and other contaminants from clogging the pipes and components in your dishwasher.

Well water is particularly high in sediment. This sediment could build up in your dishwasher’s pipes and drains, causing them to clog and reducing their efficiency.

The best way to prevent dishwasher clogging is to remove the contaminants causing the clogs.

Improves Glassware and Dishware Appearance

The same sediment and trace metals that clog your dishwasher may also leave unpleasant coatings on your plates, utensils, and glassware.

You may notice that your glassware and dishware appearance isn’t glimmering clean, as you’d expect after a wash.

Installing a dishwasher water filter will ensure that these contaminants are removed from water, giving you cleaner dishes that don’t need an extra rinse when they come out.

Continue Reading: How to prevent getting cloudy glasses from dishwasher

Improved glassware appearance after washing in a dishwasher with a water filter

Reduces Rusting Of Metal Components

Acidic water (water with a low pH) is common in private wells. Acidic water has corrosive properties and may cause your dishwasher’s metal components to rust.

The best way to prevent rusting and corrosion of your dishwasher’s metal components is to install a water filter that can boost water pH to neutral, such as an acid neutralizer.

Here are the top acid neutralizers reviewed by our water doctor. 👈

Improves Dishwasher Efficiency

Sediment, heavy metals, and other contaminants can all leave deposits in your dishwasher’s components and affect its efficiency.

You can improve the efficiency of your dishwasher by installing a water filter that can remove these contaminants. Using clean, filtered water in your dishwasher will prevent early damage that isn’t caused by normal wear and tear.

Reduces Scale Buildup

Dishwasher water filters can’t soften water (see our below section on “water filters vs water softeners” for more info), but most are designed to reduce limescale deposits inside your dishwasher.

By reducing scale, dishwasher filters prevent white spots and residue on your glassware and dishware, and minimize calcium and magnesium deposits inside the dishwasher. This should reduce repair costs and extend the dishwasher’s lifespan.

Cleaned glassware before and after installing a dishwasher filter

Increases Dishwasher Lifespan

Finally, removing harmful contaminants from your dishwasher water will prevent long-lasting damage that could shorten the filter’s lifespan.

If your dishwasher only comes into contact with filtered, contaminant-free water, it’s likely to last longer than a dishwasher that has to process dirty water on a daily basis.

🤔 What Is The Best Water Filter For Dishwashers?

If you search “dishwasher water filter” on Google, you’ll only find a few results.

Most water filters for dishwashers are installed at the water line upstream of the appliance, rather than in a dedicated slot inside the appliance itself. They’re small and compact, and usually consist of a single filter stage.

If you want to keep costs low and just treat the water in your dishwasher, the best dishwasher water filter for you is an inline point of use water filter.

📌 If you want to protect your dishwasher and your other water-using appliances, plus enjoy contaminant-free drinking and shower water, the best dishwasher water filter for you is a whole-home water filtration system.

Installing a whole house sediment filter

🆚 Water Filters vs Water Softeners For Dishwashers

We want to quickly highlight the difference between water filters and water softeners, since these water treatment systems don’t offer the same outcome – but both are beneficial to dishwashers.

  • Water filters remove harmful contaminants, like sediment and heavy metals, which could damage your dishwasher and cause rusting and staining.
  • Water softeners remove hard water minerals, namely calcium and magnesium, which cause scale buildup that could reduce your water softener’s efficiency, require more soap to be used in the appliance, and leave mineral residue on your clean dishes.

Consider your main water quality concern in regard to your dishwasher’s performance.

If you’ve noticed mineral deposits in your dishwasher and on your clean dishware, you need a water softener. A dishwasher filter can usually reduce scale, but it’s nowhere near as effective as a water softener, and can’t eliminate water hardness.

If your main issue is sediment, heavy metals, or low water pH, you need a water filter.

📌 It’s often most beneficial to install a dishwasher water filter and a water softener to eliminate all water quality issues that could affect the performance and lifespan of your appliance.

Whole home water filter vs water softener system

❔ Benefits Of Dishwasher Water Filter: FAQ

Do I need a water filter for my dishwasher?

You don’t NEED a water filter for your dishwasher, but installing a filter has benefits including extending your appliance’s lifespan and helping it to maintain a good performance by removing contaminants like sediment, scale-causing minerals, and heavy metals. Dishwasher water filters are especially beneficial to people who use a private well water supply, which often contains more of these minerals.

How do you soften water in a dishwasher?

If you want to use soft water in a dishwasher, you’ll need to install a whole home water softener. Water softeners remove calcium and magnesium hardness minerals, which cause scaling inside a dishwasher and reduce its efficiency.

How long do dishwasher filters last?

The average lifespan of a dishwasher water filter is 6 months. Your water filter cartridge may need replacing more frequently if your dishwasher usage is higher than average or your water quality is particularly poor.

Can I put a water filter on my dishwasher?

No, you can’t usually put a water filter cartridge directly on or inside a dishwasher. A few manufacturers offer dishwasher water filters that can be installed at the water line upstream of a dishwasher, but most dishwashers themselves don’t have a dedicated spot for installing a water filter cartridge.

  • Jennifer Byrd
    Water Treatment Specialist

    For 20+ years, Jennifer has championed clean water. From navigating operations to leading sales, she's tackled diverse industry challenges. Now, at Redbird Water, she crafts personalized solutions for homes, businesses, and factories. A past Chamber President and industry advocate, Jennifer leverages her expertise in cutting-edge filtration and custom design to transform water concerns into crystal-clear solutions.

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