6 Ways a Water Softener Saves You Money

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Water softeners aren’t cheap. Cabinet-style systems cost at least $400, and the more sophisticated two-tank units start at $800.

So when the initial investment is high, it’s understandable that you want to know whether or not this upfront spend is worth it.

In this guide, we’ve shared the top 6 ways that a water softener can save you money.

📌 Key Takeaways:

  • A water softener saves you money by maintaining efficient appliances, reducing your soap use and cleaning duties, and increasing the value of your home.
  • Installing a water softener in your home can help you save hundreds of dollars per year.

💲 How A Water Softener Saves Money: 6 Ways

Keep reading to learn how you can start saving money after installing a water softener.

1. Reduced Spend On Cleaning Products

The first money-saving benefit of a water softener is that it reduces your spend on cleaning products.

Hard water forms scale build-up on faucets, shower heads, fixtures, and other water-using appliances. This can restrict water flow over time and just looks ugly – so you’ll probably want to get rid of any scale that you can see.

But limescale is very difficult to remove and often requires specialist products that cost more money. You can avoid paying for these when you install a water softener, since soft water doesn’t produce any scale whatsoever.

Limescale before after water softener install

2. Reduced Water Heating Bills

Calcium buildup in your water heater can damage the heating element over time, leading to costly repairs. Plus, hard water limescale lines your water heater tank and acts as a layer of insulation, requiring a longer heating time to achieve the same water temperature – which, in turn, will increase your energy bills.

Installing a softened water system is the best way to enjoy energy savings with your water heaters. Not only will you get longer use out of your water heating unit before it starts to degrade, but the unit will also heat water faster, so you can enjoy significant savings in the cold winter months.

3. Reduced Appliance Maintenance/Repair Spend

Hard water reduces water flow, clogs appliances, and leaves a crusty buildup of minerals that can affect the efficiency of your washing machines and dishwashers, resulting in more frequent maintenance and repairs.

You can eliminate the costs associated with inefficient and broken appliances by installing a hard water treatment system. Soft water doesn’t produce scale, so you can enjoy the best performance from your high-efficiency appliances and avoid costly repairs and maintenance.

Preventing limescale damage on water heater element

4. Reduced Spend On Soaps

With hard water, you’ll need to spend more money on laundry detergent and other laundry products. Hard water doesn’t lather well with soap, so you’ll need more soap for the job – meaning that you’ll need to purchase detergent more often.

A soft water system can help you save money on your laundry loads. You can use less fabric softener and detergent than you’d have to with hard water – and for better results. You should have softer clothes because your water contains no hard minerals that cause soap scum.

On the subject of soap, you can spend less money on soaps for your dishwasher, plus shower gels and shampoos, for the same reason.

5. Increased Home Value

Water softeners don’t only help you save money – they can also help you make it.

Having a water softener installed in your home is a selling point for potential buyers. It means they already have a built-in solution to their water hardness problems, without having to spend the time, money, and effort on installing a system themselves.

Because of that, a water softener should help to increase your home’s value if you ever decide to sell and move.

Soft water from a water softener system

6. Reduced Time And Effort

Time is money, after all. You could be doing something far more valuable than scrubbing your shower screens for half an hour to remove the limescale.

By saving the time and effort that goes into cleaning the effects of hard water out of your home, a water softener lets you have more freedom over how you spend your waking hours – whether that’s catching up on work, closing a business deal, or simply checking in with family.

📑 Final Word

A softened water treatment system can help you save hundreds of dollars every year.

By preventing damage to your water heaters and other appliances, reducing your cleaning duties, and protecting your home’s plumbing system, you can spend less money on cleaning products, appliance repairs, and soaps, and more on the things that matter to you.

  • Brian Campbell
    President & CEO, CWS, CWR

    Brian Campbell, a WQA Certified Water Specialist (CWS) and Certified Water Treatment Representative (CWR) with 5+ years of experience, helps homeowners navigate the world of water treatment. After honing his skills at Hach Company, he founded his business to empower homeowners with the knowledge and tools to achieve safe, healthy water. Brian's tested countless devices, from simple pitchers to complex systems, helping his readers find the perfect fit for their unique needs.

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