Is Brita Dishwasher Safe? (What to Know Before Washing)

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Many of us use a dishwasher to eliminate the hassle of hand-washing, but the unfortunate reality is that not all items that need washing are dishwasher-safe.

In this guide, we’ve answered the question: “Is the Brita filter dishwasher safe?”

📌 Key Takeaways:

  • Brita pitchers, dispensers, and stainless steel water bottles are NOT safe to load in the dishwasher.
  • The Brita Premium Filtering Water Bottle is the only Brita product that’s dishwasher-safe (when loaded on the top shelf).
  • Harsh detergents and hot water may damage a Brita product, so it’s advised to wash your Brita filter in warm water and mild dish soap.

🍶 Are Brita Pitchers Dishwasher-Safe?

No, the Brita water pitcher is not dishwasher-safe.

All pitchers currently available in the Brita water filter pitcher range are made from plastic. Most dishwashers have a water temperature of 110 – 170°F, which is hot enough to warp and damage plastics.

Plus, dishwasher detergents often contain abrasive plastic beads, which may damage the surface of plastic items, as well as sodium hydroxide, which may crack a Brita pitcher’s plastic finish.

Not forgetting that some pitchers in the Brita water filter pitcher range have an electronic indicator light, which may be damaged by washing in a dishwasher. Hand-wash your Brita filter pitcher only.

Setting the dishwasher

📥 Are Brita Filter Cartridges Dishwasher-Safe?

Can you put a Brita filter in the dishwasher? The answer is definitely no.

Brita filters (aka. the filter cartridges themselves) contain carbon filter media. This media is only designed to be submerged in normal tap water, and it’ll get damaged if it’s exposed to hot water and dishwashing detergent (which you’re likely to find in abundance in a dishwasher).

Hot water could cause the filter media to degrade or form holes, meaning that it can’t effectively trap contaminants. Water would take the fastest path through the degraded parts of the filter, preventing proper filtration from occurring.

So, Brita filters aren’t dishwasher safe. They’re also not safe for any type of washing, including handwashing, since this will use hot water and soap. You should remove the filter cartridge from your Brita pitcher or bottle and store it in a clean container until it can be re-fitted in the housing.

⚗️ Are Brita Water Dispensers Dishwasher-Safe?

No, Brita water dispensers aren’t dishwasher-safe.

Like Brita filter pitchers, Brita water dispensers are made from plastic. While this plastic is strong and sturdy enough for the task of holding large volumes of water, it may be damaged or warped by the hot dishwasher environment.

Plus, dishwashing detergents are harsher than the mild detergent that’s used for hand-washing, so they’re more likely to be abrasive to the plastic parts of your dispenser.

Some dispensers also use filter replacement indicators, which may stop working if they’re exposed to the dishwasher environment.

Open dishwasher in kitchen

🫙 Are Brita Bottles Dishwasher-Safe?

Not all Brita filter bottles are safe to wash in the dishwasher.

You shouldn’t put Brita stainless steel water bottles in your dishwasher. We’re not sure why this is, since stainless steel is usually regarded as dishwasher-safe. However, we’re going off Brita’s instructions, which can be found in this product FAQ. Brita says you should wash this bottle by hand in warm tap water after removing the filter cartridge.

The plastic Brita Premium Filtering Water Bottles ARE safe to put in the dishwasher (they’re the only Brita products that can be safely washed in a dishwasher). You will still need to take precautions – Brita advises loading the bottle on the top rack, since most dishwashers have a heating element at the bottom of the unit. Items on the top rack should stay cooler than items on the bottom, so there’s less risk of damage to the bottle in this location.

🤝 Is It Better To Hand-Wash Your Brita Filter?

Yes, we strongly recommend hand-washing your Brita filter rather than loading it in the dishwasher.

For one, most Brita filter products aren’t dishwasher-safe, so you’ll risk damaging the material if you expose them to hot water and dishwashing detergents.

Plus, hand-washing your Brita pitcher or water bottle means you can focus on the areas that need cleaning and provide gentle but more thorough washing than a dishwasher could.

It also means you only have to be without your filter for a few minutes – or as long as it takes to hand-wash and dry the pitcher, dispenser, or bottle. You don’t have to wait hours for the dishwashing process to finish before you can start filtering your water again.

Cleaning the brita pitcher
Source: Brita

🚰 How To Safely Wash Brita Filters

The safest way to wash Brita filters is hand-washing.

Here are the steps you should follow to wash your Brita filter pitcher, dispenser, or water bottle:

  1. Remove the filter cartridge from your Brita unit and put it safely on one side.
  2. Remove the pitcher/dispenser lid and (if it contains an electronic filter indicator) set it on one side.
  3. Fill a tub with warm tap water and mild dish detergent.
  4. Soak the pitcher/dispenser/bottle in the water and use a soft cloth or sponge to wash the inside.
  5. Rinse the unit under cold tap water to wash off the soap suds.
  6. Set the unit aside to air-dry.
  7. Wipe down the pitcher/dispenser lid with a damp cloth (if you had to set this aside due to its electronics).
  8. Reassemble the unit and reinstall the filter cartridge.
  9. Fill the unit with water from your faucet and enjoy filtered water as normal.

Cleaning tip: Make sure to use mild detergent and avoid scrubbing too hard. The water should be warm, not boiling. Use a toothbrush if you need to get into any cracks or crevices that can’t be accessed easily with a sponge.

📑 Final Word

The majority of Brita filters are not dishwasher safe, so think twice before you do something that might damage your Brita unit for life.

Remember, Brita won’t honor your warranty if you’ve damaged the filter through your own actions! It takes a bit of extra effort from you, but it’s best to follow the manufacturer’s guidance and avoid loading your Brita filter in the dishwasher.


Is the Brita Ultramax water filter dispenser dishwasher safe?

No. None of Brita’s dispensers, including the Ultramax dispenser, are safe to load in the dishwasher. You should wash your dispenser in warm, soapy water and rinse well.

Is Brita stainless steel water bottle dishwasher safe?

No, the Brita stainless steel water bottle isn’t dishwasher safe. Remove and set aside the bottle filter cartridge, then wash the bottle by hand.

Can you clean the inside of a Brita?

If you’re referring to Brita filter pitchers, bottles, or dispensers, then yes, you can clean the inside of a Brita. The best way is to wash these products as you would any other dish or cup in your home – just remember to remove the filter cartridge first. You can’t clean the inside of a Brita filter cartridge; this will just damage the filter media. Once the cartridge is saturated with contaminants, you’ll need to buy a replacement filter.

Are Brita filters washable?

Brita filter units (i.e. the pitchers, bottles, and dispensers) are all washable (although most aren’t dishwasher safe). Brita filter cartridges (i.e. the small filter cartridges that sit inside these units) aren’t washable. You can’t wash and reuse a filter cartridge in your Brita unit – you’ll need to replace it with a new filter once it reaches the end of its lifespan.

Why can’t I put Brita in dishwasher?

The main reason that you can’t put a Brita in the dishwasher is that the high temperatures and liquid dish soap in a dishwashing machine may damage the plastic components. Brita recommends washing the majority of its products in warm water with mild dish soap and a soft sponge (nothing abrasive). And you should always remove the filter cartridge before submerging the filtering unit in soapy water.

How do you sterilize a Brita filter?

To sterilize a Brita pitcher, dispenser, or bottle, remove the filter cartridge and soak the unit in a solution of one part vinegar to three parts water for 15 minutes. Then empty out the solution and wash the unit thoroughly in warm water and dish soap. It’s not recommended to sterilize the Brita filter cartridge because this should be replaced once it becomes saturated with contaminants.

How often should you wash a Brita pitcher?

Ideally, you should wash a Brita pitcher once a day. Try to get into the habit of washing the pitcher at night, leaving it to dry completely so it’s ready to use when you wake up the next morning. This will keep the inside of the pitcher clean and free from water spots and scale (Brita filters don’t remove hardness minerals).

  • brian headshot
    President & CEO, CWS, CWR

    Brian Campbell, a WQA Certified Water Specialist (CWS) and Certified Water Treatment Representative (CWR) with 5+ years of experience, helps homeowners navigate the world of water treatment. After honing his skills at Hach Company, he founded his business to empower homeowners with the knowledge and tools to achieve safe, healthy water. Brian's tested countless devices, from simple pitchers to complex systems, helping his readers find the perfect fit for their unique needs.

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