Do You Need A Water Softener in Florida?

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Water softeners are a popular water treatment solution in Florida. But do you need a water softener if you live in Florida?

We’ve answered this question below.

📌 Key Takeaways:

  • Florida is one of the hardest-water states on average.
  • Water softeners can eliminate all the effects of water hardness minerals, including scale on pipes and appliances, poor skin and hair health, and reduced water flow rate.
  • You need a softener in Florida if you want to reduce the hassle and expense of hard water in your home.

🤔 Do I Need A Water Softener In Florida?

Nobody needs a water softener, regardless of where they’re based.

However, Florida residents would particularly benefit from installing a water softener because Florida has some of the hardest water in the USA.

That means Floridians have to deal with the worst effects of hard water, including reduced appliance efficiency, difficult-to-clean scale buildup, soap scum affecting skin and hair health, faded clothes, and more.

Hard water isn’t dangerous, but it causes expensive problems around the home. Installing a water softener in Florida will help you to eliminate the hassle and expense of mineral damage.

Springwell Water Filter and Salt Based Water Softener System combo water treatment system

🚱 Does Florida Have Hard Water?

A map of hard water in the US states shows that Florida has very hard water – and, in fact, Tampa, Fl is one of the hardest water metro areas in the US.

Plus, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) found that the majority of Florida’s groundwater contains 121-180 mg/L (milligrams per liter) of calcium and magnesium minerals. Water hardness measurements dictate that a reading of 121 to 180 mg/L is hard, and more than 180 mg/L is very hard.

You’re most likely to have hard or very hard drinking water if you use a private well with a groundwater (underground) water source. Groundwater often contains excessive amounts of hard minerals because water seeps through mineral-rich rocks and soils before entering the underground aquifer.

Water Hardness Map
Source: United States Geological Survey (USGS)

🔎 Signs You Need A Water Softener In Florida

We know by now that Florida residents could benefit from installing a water softener. But, while Florida is one of the states with the hardest water, exact water hardness still varies from region to region.

Some parts of Florida have harder water than others. So, some Florida residents might need to use a water softener more than others.

Signs you need a water softening system in Florida are:

  • Chalky white scale buildup on your faucets, showerheads, and bathroom fixtures
  • Reduced water flow in your plumbing system
  • Mineral deposits in water heater, washing machine, dishwasher, and other water-using appliances, leading to reduced appliance efficiency and shortened lifespans
  • More soap needed to clean clothes and wash dishes
  • Mineral-rich, alkaline-tasting water
  • Dry, irritated skin and hair

Water softeners can eliminate all of the above hard water effects.

Limescale in home

📋 How To Decide Whether To Buy A Water Softener In Florida

Trying to decide whether or not you should buy a water softener in Florida? Here’s what to do:

Test Your Water

First, test your water supply. This will give you an exact reading of your water hardness and help you determine whether a water softening system is worth your money.

Water softeners are useful investments for people with a water hardness of 80-100 mg/L or more. The cost-saving benefits of a softener unit should quickly balance out the upfront cost of the system.

You can buy a water hardness test kit for less than $10 online. Or, for the most accurate measurement of your water’s calcium and magnesium concentration, use a professional laboratory hard water test.

Water testing with tap score

Check Your Water Quality Report

If you don’t want to test your water, and you’re supplied with municipal water, you can get an idea of your water’s hardness by checking your Water Quality Report.

A Water Quality Report, otherwise called a Consumer Confidence Report (CCR), is produced annually by local water treatment facilities and supplied to all customers on the water system. The report displays test results for specific contaminants and water parameters present at the time of testing.

While CCRs don’t account for fluctuating water conditions, they can give you a good idea of the hard water minerals present in your drinking water.

Do The Hard Water Soap Test

Finally, a quick at-home water test you can do is the hard water soap test.

  1. Fill a clear water bottle three-quarters full of water.
  2. Add a squirt of dish soap to the water, then screw on the lid.
  3. Shake the bottle and observe the changes to the water.

If your water is clear with a defined bubbly layer on the surface, it’s soft.

If your water is cloudy with no defined bubbly layer on the surface, it’s hard.

You can also use this test after installing a water softener to check that you now have softened water.

Check out our list of the top rated water softeners this year.

🤔 Do I Need a Water Softening System or a Water Filter In Florida?

👨‍🔧 Drinking hard water isn’t dangerous to your health. Hard water is simply an aesthetic water quality issue that leads to expensive problems in your home.

If you’re more concerned about removing potentially harmful contaminants than removing minerals from your drinking water, you might need a water filter system instead of a water softener.

For instance, a reverse osmosis system can remove a high concentration of chlorine, heavy metals, nitrates, pesticides and herbicides, and other dissolved solids often found in city water. A water softener can’t remove any of these contaminants – it can only convert hard water into soft water.

Many Floridians choose to install both a water softener and a water filtration system, to benefit from the ion exchange process and water filtering to improve the safety and overall quality of their water.

Whole home water filter vs water softener system

📑 Final Word: Should I Buy A Water Softener In Florida?

Ultimately, you don’t need a water softening system in Florida.

BUT, a water softener can help you save money and generally make your life easier by eliminating calcium and magnesium minerals and replacing them with sodium ions.

If you live in a part of Florida that has hard or very hard water, you can avoid all the effects of hard minerals by installing a soft water system.

  • Brian Campbell
    President & CEO, CWS, CWR

    Brian Campbell, a WQA Certified Water Specialist (CWS) and Certified Water Treatment Representative (CWR) with 5+ years of experience, helps homeowners navigate the world of water treatment. After honing his skills at Hach Company, he founded his business to empower homeowners with the knowledge and tools to achieve safe, healthy water. Brian's tested countless devices, from simple pitchers to complex systems, helping his readers find the perfect fit for their unique needs.

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